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How Krill Oil is Good for the Heart

Omega-3 Phospholipids heart health

2 min. read


Omega-3 fatty acids are pretty well researched for their impact on heart health. But not all omega-3s are the same — there are important differences between the various sources that must be considered.


Krill, for example, contain phospholipid bound omega-3s, which have been shown to be more bio-efficient than other marine sources. In other words, krill’s omega-3s take a more effective path to tissues and organs —in this case the heart and surrounding arteries and tissues.


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Krill Oil + Heart Health Study

Aker BioMarine sponsored a human study on krill oil, which investigated the effects of Superba KrillTM on blood lipids in subjects with “borderline high” or “high” triglyceride (TG) levels.

Three hundred subjects participated in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center U.S. study. The five treatment groups included a placebo group (olive oil), as well as 4 groups taking 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 grams of krill oil daily.

Study results found that Superba Krill has the ability to lower triglycerides without raising LDL, the “bad” cholesterol in those who have borderline high or high triglyceride levels.

Superba Krill’s was also able to raise subjects’ Omega-3 Index levels, particularly among those taking the highest amounts.

“It is interesting to point out that with the highest dose of krill oil, the omega-3 index increased by 70%. Even with the lowest dose of 500 mg krill oil, there was a significant increase. Thus, this might have an impact on the risk of sudden cardiac death, which has been demonstrated in several studies during the last decade,” said Dr. Clemens Von Schacky, co-inventor of the HS Omega-3 Index Blood test.


Krill Oil + Consumer Needs

Compliance is something to consider when you are trying to appeal to consumers actively addressing present or future heart problems. Krill oil's phospholipid omega-3s allow for smaller pills and no fishy burp backs, relative to other marine sources.

This is especially important when you consider that those addressing heart health issues may be experiencing pill fatigue. Offering the opportunity to take smaller and potentially fewer pills is a welcome solution.

Read more: Health Benefits
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